Gallbladder Stones Treatment in Pune
The Gall Bladder is a small sized organ that is positioned right under the liver. This organ stores the bile which is produced by the liver.
After consuming food gallbladder releases the bile & becomes flat like an empty rubber balloon. The gallbladder is full of bile before a meal and is similar to the size of a tiny pear. The gallbladder responds to the signals sent by nerves and releases the stored bile directly into the small intestine through a duct called common bile duct.
Bile is a combination of fluids, fat, and cholesterol.
There are two types of gallstones; cholesterol and pigment or bilirubin. Cholesterol stones are formed in the gallbladder as a consequence of altered hepatocellular and gallbladder function. Overproduction of cholesterol by the liver is the major metabolic precedent of cholesterol gallstones and this may occur because of obesity, drugs, or other factors. Gallbladder factors which promote stone formation include hypomotility and the secretion of nucleating factors such as mucus glycoprotein. It is possible that both of these two factors are mediated by an increase in the prostaglandin production by the gallbladder mucosa. Pigment stones are either brown or black. Brownstones are formed of calcium bilirubinate and are usually associated with biliary infection. They occur in both the gallbladder and the bile ducts. Black pigment stones are extremely hard bilirubin polymers and are found mainly in the gallbladder. Biliary sludge is a necessary precedent of gallstones. It comprises cholesterol monohydrate crystals, glycoproteins, and granules of calcium bilirubinate.
The function of bile is to digest fats and also aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients into the bloodstream.
Symptoms of Gall bladder disease:
Pain– Gallbladder pain is a term which is used to describe any kind of pain due to disease pertaining to the gallbladder. Major causes of gallbladder pain are cholecystitis, biliary colic, gallstones, pancreatitis and also ascending cholangitis.
The pain could be described as intermittent, constant, abdominal, radiating outwards to the back or chest and also mild to severe depending on the cause of the pain. It usually occurs in the upper right section of the abdomen.
Nausea and vomiting – Gallbladder issues might cause nausea or vomiting. it is known that gallbladder diseases in the longer term may cause digestive issues leading to frequent nausea, acid reflux, gas, vomiting, and other digestive problems.
Fever chills: The presence of fever and shaking chills in the patient is an indication that there is an infection in the body. Along with the other gallbladder symptoms, fevers and chills might signal a gallbladder infection.
When to seek treatment?
Any person suffering from a gallbladder symptom should go for immediate medical attention.
Complications of GallBladder stones:
1) Acute/chronic cholecystitis
2) Empyema gallbladder
3) Cholangitis
4) Obstructive jaundice
5) Rarely acute pancreatitis(which can be fatal)
The treatment for Gallbladder Stone is Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy which is considered as gold standard worldwide.
In a majority of the patients, the surgery can be carried out Laparoscopically even in presence of complications except in a few exceptional cases, where there are dense adhesions where open surgery is done.
Dr. Sudhir Jadhav has done over more than 5000 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and provides the best Gall Bladder Stone Treatment in Pune.